Acrylic Nails And Pulse Oximetry

Black and brown nail polish resulted in a significant decrease in SpO2.
Acrylic nails and pulse oximetry. Artificial acrylic finger nails have been reported not to interfere with pulse oximetry. The Lifebox pulse oximeter is reliable and recommended for low and middle income. Pulse oximetry have focused on acrylic nails although there are several different types of artificial nails made of various materials that remain untested.
Pulse oximetry is the standard monitoring technique of functional oxygen saturation SpO 2As the use of fingernail polish has been described to alter SpO 2 readings its removal is commonly recommended prior to measurement. Data of measurements with artificial finger nails are not sufficiently published. Artificial acrylic finger nails may alter pulse oximetry measurement.
Resuscitation 74175-82 13 Mar 2007 Cited by. The effect of nail polish and acrylic nails on the accuracy of saturation. Although the effect of various shades of nail polish on oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry SPO 2 has been studied 1-3 there has been only brief reference to the effect of synthetic nails on pulse oximeter readings 14.
Falsely low and high S p O 2 readings occur with fluorescent and xenon arc surgical lamps 34. The Effect of Nail Polish on Pulse Oximetry Spo2 Oxygen Saturation Readings. Hinkelbein J Koehler H Genzwuerker HV Fiedler F.
The effect of nail polish and acrylic nails on the accuracy of saturation reading is inconsistent. Potential errors in pulse oximetry. In addition this study focuses on inexpensive artificial nail tips made of ABS plastic which are sold widely in drugstores for home application.
However intermittent co-oximetry is still the gold standard SaO 2. Effects of interferences dyes dyshaemoglobins and other pigments. Why do they not need to remove their nail polish.