Jesus The Most Beautiful Name That I Know Lyrics

Jesus The only Name that brings healing and strength When I speak Your Name Mountains move Chains are loosed When I speak Your Name Darkness flees It has no hold on me Chorus Jesus Most beautiful Name that I know.
Jesus the most beautiful name that i know lyrics. Jesus The only Name that brings healing and strength When I speak Your Name Mountains move Chains are loosed When I speak Your Name Darkness flees It has no hold on me Chorus Jesus Most beautiful Name that I know. Most beautiful Name that I know. The Pentecostals of Alexandria Choir sing at the Louisiana District Campmeeting 2007.
Jesus the most beautiful name that I know. Jesus what a beautiful name. Jesus What a Beautiful Name Lyrics.
Youre the exalted One. To a maiden of lowly birth. Jesus You have the power alone.
Dm - C - Bb - Csus C 2X VERSE 1. Dm C Jesus the most beautiful Bb Csus C Name of all names Dm C Jesus the only Name Bb Csus C that brings healing and strength PRE CHORUS. The most beautiful name I know x2 It is by the name of Jesus I.
Mountains move chains are loosed. When I speak Your name. Walking In The Light.
When I speak Your Name mountains move chains are loosed. Ill cast my crowns there at His feet. Jesus what a beautiful name Chords by Hillsong Music Australia.