Walk In Beauty Navajo Prayer

This past weekend I was blessed to join eleven comrades on an expedition to Canyon de Chelly in Arizona sponsored by the amazing Earthwalks dedicated to a growing understanding for us of.
Walk in beauty navajo prayer. In beauty I walk With beauty before me I. I walk with beauty around me. Beauty is behind me.
With beauty behind me may I walk. Facing East I gaze at the sun and ask for guidance for the day. Beauty is on every side.
The NavajoDiné traditional prayer is called The Beauty Way. Closing Prayer from the Navajo Way. With beauty before me I walk.
The NavajoDiné traditional prayer is called The Beauty Way Here it is in Dinéthe Navajo name for their nationand translated into English. In beauty it walks before me. With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk.
Here is a version of the prayer and blessing. With beauty below me may I walk. Through the returning seasons may I walk.
My words will be beautiful. With beauty below me may I walk. Walking in Beauty is a Navajo Blessingway prayer.